Be Merry!

Be Merry!

Hey Simple Stories fans! Nicole here today to share a fun holiday project with you. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the great products to use for my projects. Truth is, I do better with smaller pieces of paper! So for this project, I literally broke it down for each of the patterned papers for my project and built my own design element on my project. I like to cut several pieces so that I have more than enough choices as I work through my project, also leaving me with enough for a bonus project later too!

I chose most of the papers in the Very Merry collection and then trimmed them down into simple squares, and then again in half into some basic triangle shapes. You really can do a lot with just a few triangles on your page!  I started on the bottom edge of my project and worked my way up along the left edge of the page, creating a holiday tree shape along the way. I tried to mix up the color and pattern of the papers as I built that fun tree on the side of the page.

Since the left side of the page was quite busy with the large tree, I kept things to a minimum on the right side of the page. I added a fun photo of my son along grouped with some of the stickers in the 4x6 sticker pack from the Very Merry Collection. Love that woodgrain paper from the Sn@p Basics collection, it works so well with the colors in the Very Merry collection!