Colorful August Plans!

Colorful August Plans!

Hello again creatives! Leah here with you on the blog today. I finally got a chance to dig into the adorable Dream Big collection that I have been hoarding. My husband and I just moved into a new, bigger and brighter rental space and as I'm settling into my new craft room, I just want to scatter the Dream Big collection everywhere! I probably will make some fun room decor with it soon, but for now I decided to start a little smaller scale by using it to set up August in my traveler's notebook.

I dressed up the front cover of my monthly insert with lots of colorful layers. I love all of the texture! When making insert covers, I always cut a 12x12 paper down to the height of the notebook and then use the extra width to wrap around the edges of the front and back cover. This way the cover stays in place but can be transferred to another insert later. I added even more color to my insert by adding monthly tabs from the Tabs A5 Sticker Tablet.

In the Carpe Diem traveler's notebook monthly inserts, there is a notes page and monthly intro page in between each month's calendar pages. You can use the headers as is, but these pages are so easy to customize with a little washi tape or stickers to cover up/re-label the headers. This month, I am using the notes page on the left to document a couple of notes about my life currently. On the right, I have separated the page into sections and labeled them by each room in my new home. I then wrote out wish lists for each space. I have associated Pinterest boards for each space as well. I'm excited to budget for and check off the items on these lists eventually!

My monthly calendar is a lot less packed than it was last month thankfully. This month is all about taking some time to recover from the move, and then focusing my energy on unpacking and organizing. The Dream Big collection is just what I need to inspire me as I'm setting up my new craft space this month. I definitely want to sprinkle lots of color and crafty magic everywhere!

This is the first time I've had my own designated creative space and I cannot be more excited to transform it! You better believe my Simple Stories supplies will be pulling double duty – they'll be on display to beautify my space which will also keep me inspired and motivated to use them. 

Stay tuned to my Instagram for updates about how my craft room is coming along. Please tag me if you've posted photos of your creative space on IG. I'd love to see how you've decorated and organized it. Until next time, happy creating friends!