Halloween Party Scrapbook Page!

Halloween Party Scrapbook Page!

The orange glow from pumpkins on porches, stars twinkling in the night sky, and children exclaiming "Trick or Treat!" are just a few of my favorite things about Halloween! Hello, everyone! Jana Eubank here with a scrapbook page featuring the Happy Halloween collection.

I love when the 3x4 & 4x6 Elements papers include large words that I can cut out and use as titles on my scrapbook pages. This word adds so much fun color to the top of my layout!

I took the opportunity to decorate the using the 6x12 Sticker Sheet. For some added texture, I cut a long length of thin, white twine to use as a spiderweb trailing behind the spider sticker, wrapping it around several of the letters.

The banner sticker helps you to know that my girls are headed off to a party and it also anchors the witch sticker at the bottom of the main photo.

Finally, I added some sprinkles of white mist to mimic the look of a night sky.

How about you? Do you plan on attending a Halloween party this year?