Hello November, Hello Fall!

Hello November, Hello Fall!

Hello November..Violet here, today I would like to share How I used the Posh Doc it journal and Hello Fall collection to make a list for my Thanksgiving Dinner.

I started by gathering all the embellishments that I wanted to use. I water colored the pages to add some color and make it more fall looking and It's relaxing too. 

I grabbed two cards from the Hello Fall Snap Pack and glued them down and then added washi tape. The Blue, Orange, yellow and whites florals are perfect for this layout. I added demension by adding bits and pieces, stickers, Enamel Dots and Bradz. Once all that was complete I couldn't wait to write down my List. 

I also wanted to make sure I didn't lose my place in the journal, when heading to the grocery store, therefore, I decided to make a corner planner bookmark for my Doc it journal. 

Now I can safely tuck it back into my Ivory Carpe Diem planner and take it out when needed. I appreciate and adore the conveniency of being able to do that. And can we all just take a minute, to just stare at the Gold writing...Love!

Thank you everyone who took the time to stop by the blog. It will be a very busy next couple of months, but I am Thankful for it and thankful to be able to stay organized in the best planners out there! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving..Till next time, happy planning.