Life Documented Planner Goals and Plans with Nancy Damiano

Life Documented Planner Goals and Plans with Nancy Damiano

Traditionally folks make resolutions at the start of a New Year, but the planner in me bucks that trend. Instead, I make lists – lots of them! Things I want to accomplish, healthy goals, places I want to go, a honey-do list, and learning targets.

I started my 2015 list with a blank page from the Life Documented Basics Inserts pack and decorated it with letter and icon stickers from the collection.

The calendar stickers separate each of the main categories and represent the most important things on the goal list.

Here is an overview of how I use the monthly calendar pages. I note important appointments and celebrations here.

I use icon stickers to highlight the theme of the month and some calendar stickers to remind me of important things coming up. I like adding a sticky note to the side for notes and changes.

I’ve been using the Weekly planner inserts to capture a quick snapshot of the most important weekly goals and appointments. I kept this streamlined, adding a few pops of color with washi tape and a handful of calendar stickers. I love how I can turn to this page and see my entire week in one spot.

The Life Documented Planning Inserts are the perfect spot for jotting down design ideas and keeping track of photos to be printed.

Instead of writing down a daily account on these planner sheets, I use them to journal about the stories I want to highlight that month. Instead of plugging in a date, I write down the main subject and highlight with a light gray brush marker. It’s a great way to document the day to day things that are sometimes lost as time passes.

Finally, a sneak peek of the theme I chose for the coming week. I used a palette of grey and yellow. It’s my small attempt at brightening up a bleak time of the year. This is exactly what I love most about the Life Documented Planner – how it can be custom decorated to fit my needs (and wants)!