Planning Your Pocket Pages

Planning Your Pocket Pages

Hi Everyone! Marie here today to share some tips for putting together Pocket Pages for your SN@P! Binders.  I am using the I AM collection on these pages.
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 I like to plan out my pocket pages in advance.  After I initially get my pages laid out I like to go back and switch things around until everything is where I want it. But once everything is glued down, it is almost impossible to go back and make changes. So here are a few temporary measures I take to be able to make changes to my pages.
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On this insert I used a piece of vellum on the bottom card for my journaling.  Instead of typing directly on the card and possibly running out of space and ruining the card,  I used my computer to print out my journaling on a piece of vellum and then layered it over the card. This way I could make sure I had plenty of space, had no spelling errors, and was happy with what I had written.
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I did something similar with the upper part of the insert. I first placed the sticker words "I AM Grateful" on a transparency cut to size to make sure I was happy with the spacing.  When I was done I could simply place the transparency inside my pocket page, and have a see-through element in my album.
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Stickers can be tricky because once they are adhered to paper they can be difficult to remove and place elsewhere. I like to first place stickers on the outside of the page protector. I can then see how they look and if I want to change their position, they are easy to peel up and place somewhere else. 
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I'm also a big fan of the interactive elements that are part of the I AM collection.  These layered booklets can be made ahead of time, or even taken on the road with you while you are traveling.
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Once the entire booklet is done and you are happy with how it looks, you can slip the whole thing into a 4x6 pocket.  If you want to add things later, you can simply take it back out and work on it anytime.
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I hope some of these tips come in handy the next time you are planning out your albums. Giving yourself the freedom to make last minute changes to your pages can make a huge difference!