Something's Gotta Go!

Something's Gotta Go!

Good morning SS friends.  


Today I am sharing two COMPLETELY different layouts with two completely different collections.


For my first layout, I decided to share a personal goal for myself.  I decided that I was going to start growing out my gray about 5 months ago.  It has been a challenge.  I went from very dark brown to complete gray, or almost complete gray.  I started coloring my hair at 30.  I was tired of two weeks after my expensive color, I  could see gray around my forehead.  For this reason, I stopped coloring.  





My entire layout was actually based around this 4x6 Elements card.  I saw the saying and it brought this layout idea to life.  I don't think that this layout would make sense with out the journaling.  The Domestic Bliss collection had everything I needed to document my graying hair journey!  It is so true, something has got to give in life, we can't do everything!




For my second layout, I went back in time to when my son played Flag Football.  He hated it.  But as parents, we loved watching it!  The kids had no idea what they were doing, that is why it was so fun to watch!



I used the Football Simple Set.  I started with a frame, where I tried to create a shadow box style layout.  I included papers and stickers from the collection that looked like collected items from his football season.  I strategically placed some of the stickers to cover heads and other small children.  




Thanks for taking a peek.