Texting Fun!

Texting Fun!

I have been really excited to share my CHA creations with you.  If you were lucky, and were able to attend CHA, you have seen these two new collections that I have played with for today's post.  If not, they are so much fun and you really need to check them out.  I adore the new Emoji Love collection.  It can be used so very many ways.  I have a young boy who recently started texting and I captured one of our recent texts.  He is still alive, so don't worry!  



There was a texting block as part of the paper that I used right along side of my real photo of texting.  I added the crown to the top of the face emoji!!



Look how cute these Emoji pieces are.  I clumped them together to make a border across the top of my photo.  



Seriously, I could have used ALL of it for this layout.  I am excited to do another.  This is called, documenting the REAL life!!!




As soon as I saw the Domestic Bliss collection, I new I had the perfect photo.  I had been saving this photo for quite some time.  Never found the perfect collection.  When my boy was really young, he drew his dad a picture for Father's Day.  What is missing?  ME!!  




After cutting my heart and covering the entire piece with foam, I added it to the white polka dot paper.  I added the clumping along the bottom with every piece of household equipment I could find.  My journaling around the top is pretty sarcastic.  Asking them, who will clean, do laundry, cook?  They would need to hire a maid to do everything that I do!!!



Here you can see the drawing a bit closer.  I am still missing!



I used the strips phrases across the tip to create a border and used the heart washi.  Journaling came after the entire layout was complete.  I wanted everyone to know the story!  ha.