Very Merry!

Very Merry!

Happy Christmas! Here’s a look at how I began setting up my Black Vintage Floral CarpeDiem TN, using the gloriously classic, traditional Very Merry collection by Simple Stories.

I’ve stuffed the pockets full to bursting with bits & pieces, chipboard pieces and elements from the 12x12 sheets! 

I’ve used paper from the collection to cover one of the ‘Beautiful’ inserts and decorated with pieces from the Snap pack, washi tape and alpha stickers.

Once again I’ve had fun adding, tip ins and flaps to my pages.

I wanted to include a month to view page and had such fun adding lots of stickers from the Very Merry collection and a peek a boo flap!

I hope you’ve enjoyed a peek inside my Christmas TN, you can find more detailed pictures on my IG account