Back to School Time
School themed digital kits have long been a favorite of mine, something about the bright, bold colors and fun elements included just speaks to the crafty part of my brain. So I'm excited for back to school time and the selection of digital school themed kits that Simple Stories has added to the digital store! I decided to have fun with two of the collections available, although if I would have had more time on my hands I would have used them all.
I started with the digital Elementary collection which has sort of a neat distressed feeling to it. I had a picture in mind from my son's first day of first grade last year (we still haven't started school this year!) and the digital collection picked out, then I had to dig around for some inspiration. I went to my trusty go-to source for ideas and inspiration - Pinterest. I found this awesome typography piece hat I knew I wanted to include on a page and I loved the mix of colors and fonts. I didn't use any real rhyme or reason in choosing the fonts, I just wanted a mix. I love how it turned out and I wanted it to be the focus of my page so I minimally embellished the rest of the page.
The other digital kit I chose is the bright & clean digital School SN@P! Set along with the digital 12x12 Pocket Page Variety Pack. I love the super bright colors and the pops of contrast in the blacks! They worked perfectly with the chalkboard I made to document my son's first day of school each year. The cards in this set are perfect for documenting that first day of school milestone - or any school-related milestones throughout the year!
I had so much fun playing with these kits and I'd love to see what you all have done with them as well.