Hi there, it’s Emma back with you today. I’d like to show you in this months blog how you can decorate your monthly spread without having to spend a fortune on products! Can’t be done?...it sure can!! Take a look!

Here I’ve laid out the only products you’re going to need,and this can apply to any monthly spread, wether it be your A5, Personal size or TN insert pages, I’ve chosen to use my tn monthly insert by Carpediemplanner to show you. You’ll need a pen, washi tape, 12x12 combo sticker sheet and the Carpe Diem sticker tablet. The sticker tablet is optional, you can always write in your dates without it really affecting the look of this spread.

Ready?...ok, let’s start! I have used a selection of the Simple Vintage Halloween washi tape to go all around the edges of the pages, you really don’t have to be neat, I like to rip pieces along the sides to add different textures and avoid blunt edges, it softens the look. Layer your washi until you’ve covered all the blank white spaces.

Now it’s time to start adding some stickers from the 12x12 sticker sheet. Don’t ever be afraid to cut your stickers to make them fit where you want. You can add them to corners and then trim any overhang. I’ve done this with the huge cobweb sticker, and then with the piece I cut off, used it on the other side of the page.

On the left hand bottom corner I’ve used the sticker of the little girl dressed as a witch and cut the overhang off, I like the finish that this technique gives.
You can also see here in the top corner where I’ve covered over the ‘October’ on the original insert and used one of the stickers that has the word ‘october’ on it. The design of this sticker is where I got the idea for this spread, it’s made to look like lots of different layers, all stitched together. This is another sticker which I cut to make it fit!

On the right side of the page I’ve almost mirrored what I did on the left, adding a witch sticker in the bottom corner, there’s the cobweb sticker that was cut and at the top a layered style sticker, which again, I cut to fit, and then the piece I cut off I used below it.
I kept the centre of the spread really simple by literally just adding the number stickers, I used orange ones to tie in with the colour scheme and used my black ink pen to draw around each one, I also did this around the whole edge of the pages, it just makes the decoration ‘pop’!

You can see on the used sticker sheet, just how a very small amount of stickers can go along way!! ...and don’t worry, the remaining stickers can then be used on your daily/weekly pages throughout the month! So, I don’t think that’s bad is it?!, a whole month of decorating your pages, only using one sticker sheet and some washi!
The main thing to remember is, have fun! Enjoy decorating your pages, they are for you and nobody else, so as long as they make you smile, that’s all that matters!! As I’m always saying, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to planning...it’s what works for you!
Thank you for joining me again this month, I do hope you’ve enjoyed looking at this spread and will join me again, next month.
If you would like to see more pictures using Simple Stories products then checkout my IG account Heartsbyemma (@heartsbyemma) • Instagram photos and videos